NAD IV Therapy

NAD IV Therapy

NAD IV therapy is a treatment that makes use of the coenzyme Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD, also known as NAD+) that is found in all living cells. In order to be healthy, all cells in the body need NAD and many people use NAD IV therapy as a bio hack to prevent illness and keep their internal organs functioning optimally. 

NAD IV therapy is used to slow the aging process, promote better overall health and athletic performance, enhance mental abilities, improve immune function, and increase resistance to addictions. It works at the molecular level with DNA to make sure each cell has plenty of energy. Before you decide which type of therapy is right for you, you need to know what NAD does for the body.

When NAD levels get too low, the aging process speeds up, mental processes slow down, and an individual’s general health can decline. NAD Therapy can restore cellular health to significantly slow the aging process, promote neurological functioning, and boost general health.

NAD is produced naturally in the body, but as we grow older, the less NAD+ one will produce, reducing NAD levels in circulation. Your NAD+ also declines from immune stress, intense exercise, sleep disruption, and many other lifestyle stressors. In addition, if your nutrition doesn’t include the proper amount or type of nutrients, NAD+ levels can get low.

This is why many people do NAD IV Therapy to promote longevity, but there are a number of other benefits with this type of treatment, making it an appropriate treatment choice for people of all ages.


NAD and Neurological Function:

The brain needs plenty of oxygen and simple sugars to do its job and function at its best. Though the brain is small compared to the rest of the body, it eats up about 20% of the body’s entire supply of oxygen! NAD is an important part of the energy-production equation for the brain. Without enough NAD, the brain’s oxygen requirements can’t be met and brain function declines. NAD IV Therapy can help increase focus, mental clarity, and protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

NAD and Fatigue:

NAD amps up cellular batteries to reduce physical fatigue. This substance increases the levels of certain molecules in the body that improve energy levels and recovery after physical exertion. Many of the reasons this improvement in energy happens are outlined in the paragraphs above.

NAD and Muscle maintenance, repair and strength:

NAD enhances blood flow and increases cellular energy levels, which has a positive impact on strength, coordination, and athletic ability. It will help increase energy levels while improving DNA repair in muscle tissues, leading to the maintenance, repair, and strength of muscle tissue.

NAD and Lifespan Extension:

Doctors and scientists have been investigating the effects of NAD IV therapy on aging for years and research has demonstrated positive results particularly on blood vessels and the cardiovascular system, brain, and nervous system. NAD+ promotes DNA repair which typically declines with age. Regular maintenance doses of NAD+ have been shown to promote cellular survival and the prevention of cancer.

NAD and Weight Loss Support:

NAD IV Therapy plays a critical role in chemical reactions at the cellular level that can boost metabolism in the body by efficiently converting food into energy. This supports improved function of muscles, nerves, and circulation, allowing the body to properly use water and nutrients in a clean, whole food, high fiber, calorie-controlled diet. In addition, improved circulation and overall energy means you have more energy to stay motivated when maintaining those good lifestyle choices and exercise regularly until and after you reach your weight loss goals!

NAD and Liver Function:

The liver is an important organ in the body and is very sensitive to declining levels of NAD. Individuals who have over-stressed their liver due to alcohol over-consumption or a high-fat diet can benefit from NAD Therapy to support healthy liver function.

NAD+ can correct the neurotransmitter imbalances that result from a heavy night of partying, reducing symptoms like headaches, fatigue, nausea, insomnia, and cravings. Many people use NAD Therapy to protect the liver and get on with their lives after a weekend of fun. But even better, NAD IV therapy can reduce addictive behaviors and many of the withdrawal and detox symptoms that occur after years of consuming the “hard stuff”.


Discuss the possibility of receiving this IV with your health care provider at the NHIC before you schedule your IV. If you are an existing patient, you can call our office to request the NAD IV.

  • Come to the clinic as hydrated as you can to improve the ability of our staff to administer your IV.

  • Eat a meal with some protein within 2-3 hours of coming in for your IV.

  • Additional nutrients can be added to your IV for an additional cost. Ask your provider if you could benefit from one of these additions: normal saline (rehydration), glutathione (helps detox), vitamin C (helps immunity, healing, and inflammation), B12 (energy, detox and repair), B complex (energy, nervous system support, as well as being a cofactor for many biological functions).


NAD therapy is not FDA approved; however the FDA does consider it to be a safe treatment when administered in doses less than 2 grams per day. The FDA has acknowledged this therapy’s efficacy for the treatment of benzodiazepine dependence, opiate withdrawal, prescription medication withdrawal, and post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). It is also acknowledged to be effective and safe in reducing the effects of chronic fatigue.

For most people, the main complaint associated with receiving NAD therapy is the risk of minor pain or discomfort at the injection site. Some people report slight flu-like symptoms immediately after receiving an NAD infusion, but these feelings pass quickly and afterwards patients report feeling clearer and more energized. 

Studies agree that NAD therapy along with other related nutrient infusion therapies have little to no adverse effect and present almost entirely positive, beneficial effects. NAD IV Therapy is safe and effective, and results are felt almost instantaneously for most individuals.

What can you expect from NAD IV’s?

Most people with acute or chronic fatigue will feel a difference after 2-5 IV’s, and some will feel even feel an improvement in energy after just one IV. Severe fatigue cases or people with multiple health issues may need as many as 10-15 IV’s.

Oral NAD supplementation:

You may also want to take an oral NAD supplement. Of course, oral NAD doesn’t work quite as fast as IV administration. The research done on our NAD supplement shows that in 8 weeks NAD levels increase by 40-50%.

Oral supplementation with NAD is a great way to maintain gains from IV NAD. Most people will only need one 300 mg capsule daily. Others may prefer a 500 mg capsule.